Sunday, September 19, 2010

day of Primal cooking

red onion and butternut squash
local organic rainbow chard

local wild caught salmon with herbs and garlic

So I also have baking a nice pork roast with fresh organic rosemary and garlic, which I did not photograph. I apologize that I have not really figured out how to add photos in a more ordered way, with paragraphs in between. Forgive me I am really not a blogger at heart! However I really enjoy writing about my experiences of following the primal challenge from Mark's Daily Apple.

I have to work the next 2 days 12hr shifts, which is common for me.  So whenever I get a chance, I have for the past few years made a large quantity of various foods to bring to work for lunches and dinners. Since going sugar and gluten free back in 2/08 it really has been a necessity because I can't count on the cafeteria to have much beyond a salad and maybe a chicken breast. That gets old really fast. I enjoy making great primal meals, and I place them in a glass Pyrex container with a lid when completed. I even freeze some of them depending on the meal. It makes it very easy to grab a pre-filled dinner container, toss it in a soft cooler with an icepack, and go. I also do not feel bad reheating foods in pyrex in the microwave, something I worried about when I used tupperware-type containers.

For exercise today I have taken several 1/2 hr walks with my dog. I also plan on doing a small workout a little later this evening, before I shower and get ready for bed. 

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